Old School Painting recommends allowing your newly pressure-treated wood structures, like decks, fences, gazebos, pergolas, etc a resting period prior to ultimately refinishing and staining. Resting periods may vary depending on which season the structure was built, hours of direct sunlight per day, and more. The basic idea is to allow all the pressure-treated wood to fully cure and dry. Staining and weatherproofing too early will lock in excess moisture and result in many unsightly excretions and may cause wood to twist or curl.
This Welland, Niagara deck project had a wood curing time of approximately one year making this an idea time to wash, sand, and apply a choice colour of stain to add to the appeal and lock in many years of protection.
Has it been a few years now for your deck, fence, or outdoor wood structure?
Old School Painting can revitalize most wood structures, even after many years of being exposed, untreated to the elements.
Old School Painting's Project Images
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1yr Old Front Deck, Stairs, & Railings Finishing, Staining & Wood Weatherproofing project images available here: