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Old School Painting Logo
Old School Painting

Old School Painting

With over 25 years in the 'old school' painting techniques of roller and brush, Old School Painting offers an affordable professional look, feel and touch to your walls, ceilings, floors, windows, trim, baseboards, doors, exteriors, foundations, decks, fences and numerous other paintable surfaces.

Dressing up this home in red paint for a new, fresh look and appeal.

A major makeover leaves our homeowners in awe and confessing, "It's like a brand new house!"

Keeping your home looking and performing its best year after year.

Proper surface preparation allows for a smooth, vibrant paint colour finish.

A thorough wash and a few coats of traditional colours to restore this old gem.  

Welland resident calls Old School Painting in to help improve property for sale.

Old School Painting refinishes dated red brick home by the pool.

Old School Painting more than delivers on what this Port Colborne commercial warehouse and storefront owner envisioned!

Old School Painting can help to improve property value and maintain curb appeal of your home.

Glistening results for this custom built backyard deck!

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